Pre-Operative Instructions
Please follow the specific instructions on your written discharge form, available for download here.
Here are some highlights from the instructions; please look at the form we gave you at your consultation for more detail.
- For most surgeries, you will need to be seen the very next day. You won’t be able to drive yourself, because of anesthesia regulations.
- Alcohol MUST be avoided for 24 hours, because the sedation we gave you can impair judgment, coordination, and memory.
- If you experience fever, severe pain, nausea, or vomiting after surgery, please call your surgeon immediately.
- If you experience redness, drainage, bleeding, or swelling of the operative eye, please call your surgeon immediately.
- It is important to keep the operative eye dry. You may shower after your post-op visit tomorrow.
- Do not exert yourself or lift anything over 15 pounds for 24 hours. Avoid vigorous exercise for 2 weeks.
- Follow your eye drop instruction sheet given to you directly after surgery.
- If you experience decreased vision and pain, please call your surgeon immediately
Procedure Day
Please follow the specific instructions inside of your blue booklet, available for download here. The following instructions are excerpts from the blue booklet and are not to be used as a replacement to the blue booklet:
- Follow all eating instructions listed in your surgery booklet
- Bring all health insurance cards (including your Medicare card) and a photo ID with you to your appointment
- Bring all medications, inhalers, and eye drops, in their original pharmacy labeled containers, with you to your appointment
- Please do not wear jewelry or watches or bring any valuables to the surgery center
- Do not wear any cosmetics (especially eye makeup) or fingernail polish on the day of surgery
Acrylic nails must be removed - Please wear an easily removable shirt (buttons or zips) that does not need to be pulled over the head
- The surgery center can be rather cool, we suggest you wear warm clothing
- You can expect to be at the surgery center for approximately 2 hours in total
Post-Operative Instructions
Please follow the specific instructions on your written discharge form, available for download here. The following instructions are excerpts from the discharge instruction form and are not to be used as a replacement to the form:
- It is recommended that an adult stays with you for the first 24 hours.
- For most surgeries, you will need to be seen the very next day. It is imperative that you arrange for a driver to bring you to this appointment.
- Because the sedation you have received can impair judgment, coordination, and memory alcohol MUST be avoided for 24 hours.
- If you experience fever, severe pain, nausea, or vomiting please call your surgeon immediately.
- If you experience redness, drainage, bleeding, or swelling of the operative eye please call your surgeon immediately.
- It is important to keep the operative eye dry. You may shower after your post-op visit.
- Do not exert yourself or lift anything over 15 lbs. for 24 hours. Avoid vigorous exercise for 2 weeks.
- Follow your eye drop instruction sheet given to you directly after surgery.