Contact Lenses

Contact lens insertion in a woman's eye

Anderson & Shapiro offers the leading brands of contact lenses, like Acuvue Oasys, Air Optix or Coopervision Biofinity. Our prices are very comparable to any competitor or online retailer. We also ship direct to you to, saving you time.

Soft Lenses

These are the most comfortable contact lenses to wear. We fit these on many patients and it’s the lens of choice for anyone who wants good distance vision and comfort.

Daily contacts, that you don’t have to worry about storing or cleaning, are the most convenient way to wear soft contacts. Ask your doctor about 1-Day contacts. There are also 2 and 4-week disposable contact lenses available.

Soft lenses come in multifocal designs to help you avoid reading glasses. We can also use contact lenses to use one eye for reading and one eye for distance, called monovision. Both options are well tolerated and let you use regular sunglasses.

Low Vision

Low vision is a term we use to describe reduced eyesight. There are many eye diseases that can cause this. Such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, etc. It can also be inherited and or caused by a brain or an eye injury. This cannot be fully corrected with eyeglasses, contact lenses, or eye surgery. However, there are all kinds of products out there that will help these patients, and the Wisconsin Council of the Blind is a great place to find these items.